Budget execution

美 [ˈbʌdʒɪt ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn]英 [ˈbʌdʒɪt ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn]
  • 预算执行
Budget executionBudget execution
  1. Second , the budget execution process control project performance .


  2. Improving the budget execution and evaluation procedures ;


  3. Through this study , to achieve a work flow theory and budget execution audit business processes integration .


  4. For rich budget execution audit related research , improve audit quality plays a role in learning and reference value .


  5. Section 3 analyzes the problem of protecting citizens ' rights to supervise in budget execution .


  6. Tangible financial sector developed in line with the actual needs of workflow-based budget execution audit management system .


  7. The results indicate that incentive range has a moderating effect on the association between performance assessment method and fat tail of budget execution .


  8. The military budget execution is an important step of military budget management , which directly determines the exertion of logistic finance support duty .


  9. Mainly includes funds to expand and improve budget execution feasibility to carry out a comprehensive accounting , strengthen internal and external supervision , and establish a financial director of the system .


  10. The reform of centralized payment for financial treasury , which changed the traditional disbursement method of financial funds , has laid a solid foundation for the Chinese modern system of financial treasury management and budget execution .


  11. Also so as to improve the transparency of the budget execution , enhance the budget management , the budget management play a target guiding , process monitoring , evaluation function , the realization of control and leading business and financial investment .


  12. System for real-time monitoring the entire process of integration into the system management of fiscal fund payment activities , provide beforehand , early warning mechanism , afterwards , to provide technical support for the efficient monitoring and management of budget execution .


  13. To improve the capital efficiency of government invested project , it is very necessary to enhancing system building , ensuring solemnity of budget execution , strictly managing move & pay of project capital , and regulating the capital circulation .


  14. Responsible for the department budget and execution , optimize administrative fee system .


  15. Planning orientated including budget allocation execution and profit shoring business model development .


  16. When monetary policy influences the economy , it could also affect the budget policy execution through many economic variables .


  17. Government budget establishment , execution of the annual budget , annual final accounts , and special preparation of three budgets , are gradually open to the society .


  18. It is an efficient means to realize the strategic intention of the enterprises and the reasonable collocation of the resources by carrying the overall budget management into execution .


  19. Agency theory that principal and agent will be based on their own interests to influence the budget preparation and execution because of the information asymmetry in the budget formulation process .


  20. Additional considerations are the budget available for execution , time frames , as defined by such factors as seasonality , market opportunities , and anticipated competitive activities ;


  21. Corporate governance is to solve financial rights decomposition problems . There are certain corresponding relationship between financial rights decomposition and the budget decision-making , execution and control , supervision and evaluation in corporate governance .


  22. The article makes an exposition mainly through budget drawing up , execution , analysis , check , etc.


  23. From the finance angle , this thesis put forward with strategic results evaluation and with overall budget management to promote execution of methods ;


  24. Such as : financial planning , budget formation , budget execution , budget management and financial estimation and so on . Finally , it will introduce a number of specific methods under the system about the achievements .


  25. Chapter five deals with government budget accounting which records budget execution .


  26. To the whole budget process , the budget execution duration is long , involve the main , affected a wide range , so the budget execution supervision efficiency will drive the budget supervision effectiveness .


  27. Revision and Improvement of the Budget Law Under the Confusion of Budget Execution


  28. Finally , from the budget preparation , budget approval , budget execution , budget supervision , budget assessment and guiding ideology for the perfection of performance budget in China put forward the policy suggestions .


  29. The comprehensive budget management is built around the budget execution , analysis , adjustment , assessment and other key aspects of doing the planning , coordination , control , evaluation and a series of management activities . It is a systematic , comprehensive modern enterprise management mode .


  30. Strengthening the rigid control and supervision of " Budget Law ", including " budgeting , budget execution , budget monitoring " three separating , as well as financial results evaluation system ;
